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Attractions of Kharkiv region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Kharkiv region

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Миколаївська церква, Вільшани
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Saint Nicolas Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker in Vilshany is one of the oldest churches in the Kharkiv region.

The wooden Saint Nicholas church with a bell tower was built in 1753 (according to other sources - in 1741), reconstructed in 1793. The three-domed church has a typical three-part composition for wooden churches of Central Ukraine. Stone borders were added in 1911-1914.

At the end of the 20th century, the temple was sheathed with metal sheets, and a brick bell tower was added to it.

Map pin icon Mykolayivska Street Vilshany


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Олександро-Невський храм, Харків
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Saint Oleksandr Nevsky Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church in the name of the holy prince Oleksandr Nevsky in Kharkiv was built in 1830 at the Kharkiv Psychiatric Hospital, better known as Saburova dacha.

The small church could not accommodate all the parishioners, and in 1904, 20 thousand rubles were allocated from the state treasury for the construction of a new church. The project was executed by the architect Mykhaylo Lovtsov, who himself supervised the construction. In 1907. construction, decoration and painting of the temple were completed. The icons of the one-tier carved iconostasis were painted on zinc. The Oleksandr Nevsky Church was richly decorated with stucco, which is why it was considered one of the most elegant in the city.

In 1920, the church was closed and used for various services (club, hospital archive, agitation point, etc.). Reopened in 1990, now completely restored.

Map pin icon Akademika Pavlova Street, 46 Kharkiv


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Пантелеймонівська церква, Харків
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Saint Panteleymon Church

Temple , Architecture

The church in honor of the holy great martyr and healer Panteleymon was founded in 1882.

Construction under the direction of the architect Fedir Danylov was carried out quickly - already in 1883 the walls, roof and bell tower were ready. The first religious services began in 1885. The temple is made in the Rus-Byzantine style.

In 1897-1818, it was reconstructed by the famous architect Mykhaylo Lovtsov, the author of the Annunciation Cathedral and Dmitrivska Church. He decorated the facade with decorative details that gave the church a festive look.

In 1930, the temple was closed, the tower with a dome, decorative towers were dismantled. A cross was torn from the bell tower. The temple was returned to believers in 1989. Restoration work was completed in 1999.

Map pin icon Klochkivska Street, 94A Kharkiv


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Борисоглібська церква, Водяне
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Saints Borys and Hlib Church

Temple , Architecture

The church in the name of Saints Borys and Hlib in Vodiane was built in 1905 on the site of the wooden Borys and Hlib church, founded in 1819.

The construction was carried out by the architect Volodymyr Nemkin at the expense of Kharkiv University professor Fedir Zelenohorskyi and philanthropist Serafima Klyucharyova.

In 1932, the church was closed and turned into a warehouse, but in 1942 services were resumed in it. In 1984-1985, the local authorities planned to blow up the church, but the community managed to defend the church, although it was closed again.

In 1991. services were resumed, and in 1997 the church was transformed into the Saints Borys and Hlib Monastery.

The icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, which was completely renovated in 1997, is kept here.

In the yard there is a well with healing holy water.

Map pin icon Monastyrska Street, 1 Vodiane


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Спасів скит, Першотравневе
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Saviour's Hermitage

Temple , Architecture

The Chapel of the Immaculate Savior was built on the spot where, in 1888, a train carrying Russian Emperor Oleksandr III and his family derailed near the Borky station.

Many people died in the disaster, but the emperor, who was in the carriage, was miraculously unharmed, as well as members of his family. The Saviour's hermitage was founded in memory of this event.

According to the project of academician of architecture Marfeld, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Chapel of the Savior Not Made by Hands were built. A hospital and a home for elderly railway workers, a school, and a library operated at the hermitage.

During the Second World War, the temple was blown up, and the chapel was badly damaged. Only in 2003 was the restoration of the chapel carried out, and the stations returned their historical name.

Map pin icon Pershotravneve


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Шарівський музей, Шарівка
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Sharivka Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Museum of the Century History of the Sharivka Settlement from 2018 is located in the building of the manager of the Sharivka estate, sugar breeder Leopold Koenig.

The two-storey brick house was built in 1910 according to the project of architect Jacobi on the territory of the farmyard of the Koenig estate.

The museum exposition is created by enthusiasts on a voluntary basis.

Map pin icon Sanatorska Street, 6 Sharivka


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Садиба Щербиніних, Бабаї
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Shcherbynins Manor

Palace / manor , Architecture

The estate of the Shcherbynins family in Babai is more than 200 years old. A dilapidated one-story manor house has been preserved, next to which there used to be a garden with ponds.

In the 18th century, the manor belonged to the Babai priest Yakiv Pravytskyi, a friend and student of the philosopher Hryhoriy Skovoroda at the Kharkiv Academy. During his travels through Slobozhanshchyna, Skovoroda often stayed at Pravytskyi's house. Here he wrote his "Fables of Kharkiv".

In the 19th century, the manor became the property of the Shcherbynins. One of them, Colonel Oleksandr Shcherbynin, was a participant in the Battle of Borodino and is mentioned in the novel "War and Peace" by Lev Tolstoy. He was a member of the secret society "Chivalry" and was in the masonic lodge "Iron Cross" (the manor house has masonic signs).

Another representative of the family, lieutenant Mykhaylo Shcherbynin, was a friend of the poet Oleksandr Pushkin, which is the basis of the versions about the visits of the Babai by Pushkin's brother Lev, the poet's friend Baron Delvig, and even Oleksandr Pushkin himself.

The Shcherbynin estate in Babay is recognized as a monument of history and culture of Slobozhanshchyna, but its condition causes concern. One half of the building remains residential, while the other half is vacant and falling apart.

Map pin icon Mykhaylivska Square Babai


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Співочі тераси, Городнє
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Singing Terraces

Park / garden

"Singing Terraces" is the name given to an orchard with an unusual layout in the form of a huge amphitheater, which was laid on the banks of the Merla River in the 19th century by the famous sugar factory Ivan Kharytonenko.

The local climatic conditions did not allow exotic varieties of trees to be grown here, but an original solution was found. Six south-facing terraces were built on the slope of the stream, which were illuminated by the sun throughout the day. The stone masonry itself also accumulated heat, which made it possible to grow southern fruit trees here.

The amphitheater garden in Horodnie has another feature – unique acoustics. Even quiet sounds can be heard at a distance of up to 60 meters. According to legend, the famous bassist Fedir Shalyapin gave a concert here. In windy weather, one gets the impression that the terraces themselves emit melodious sounds, which is why they were nicknamed "Singing Terraces".

Map pin icon Horodnie


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Сковородинівська криниця, Бабаї
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Skovorodynivska Well

Natural object

The sourse in the forest to the west of Babai is named after the poet and philosopher Hryhoriy Skovoroda, who visited Babai several times.

According to legend, while walking in the forest, the famous Ukrainian philosopher stuck a stick into the ground, and a cold key came out from under it.

The water in the spring has a peculiar tonic taste.

Currently, Skovorodynivska Well (Krynytsya) has the status of a hydrological monument of nature.

Downstream of the stream is the picturesque Chorne (Black) Lake, on the surface of which multi-colored lilies grow. There is a small cozy restaurant right by the water.

Map pin icon Polyana Skovorody tract Babai


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Краєзнавчий музей, Слобожанське
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Slobozhanske Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The local lore museum of Slobozhanske village in Kharkiv region acquaints with the nature and history of Slobozhanske region.

The museum opened in 1989 in the former building of the manager of the Tsyhlerivsky beet sugar and mechanical plants.

Today, the museum has more than 3,000 exhibits. The main exposition tells about the historical past of the village of Slobozhanske and Krasnohrad district, in particular about the events of the Second World War.

In the hall of ethnography you can get acquainted with the traditional Slobozhansky way of life.

The museum also presents a collection of paintings by local artist Oleksiy Tykva.

Map pin icon Olyanycha Street, 1A Slobozhanske


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Південний вокзал, Харків
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South Railway Station


Kharkiv Passenger Railway Station (South Railway Station) is the main passenger station of the Kharkiv Railway .

The first Kharkiv railway station was laid in 1868 on the Arkhiyereyska Levada near Kholodna Hill. In addition to this building, designed by the architect Andriy Ton, a house for the road manager and other residential and commercial buildings were built on Pryvokzalna Square.

The first train arrived in Kharkiv on May 22, 1869, and regular traffic on the Kursk-Kharkiv-Azov railway was soon opened. By the end of the 19th century, the intensity of freight and passenger traffic had increased significantly, and therefore the station building had to be expanded: a new building was added to it on the south side, and then the old premises were reconstructed according to the project of architect Serhiy Zahoskin. The Kharkiv railway station became one of the largest in the Russian Empire. One of the largest buildings of pre-revolutionary Kharkiv was built nearby - the building of the Administration of Southern Railways.

In 1952, the construction of a new building in the style of the "Stalin empire" was completed on the site of the station destroyed during the Second World War. Ten massive columns of white Inkerman stone support the portico, flanked by two towers. On the portico - sculptural groups, stucco decorations. The height of the central hall is 26 meters. All platforms are connected to the station by underground tunnels.

In 2003, the last reconstruction was completed, as a result of which the station received modern equipment.

A monument to father Fedir from "12 chairs" is installed on platform No. 1.

Map pin icon Pryvokzalna Square, 1 Kharkiv


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Пам'ятник Шевченку, Харків
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Taras Shevchenko Monument


The monument to Taras Shevchenko in Kharkiv is considered the best of all the existing monuments to the poet.

The project was developed by the sculptor Matviy Manizer. According to the author's plan, the multi-figure sculptural group personifies the struggle of the people for freedom sung by Kobzar. Actors of Kharkiv theater "Berezil" posed for the sculptor.

The grand opening took place on March 24, 1935. At that time, it was the largest bronze composition in the USSR (total height - 16 meters, height of the poet's figure - 5.5 meters).

Some student traditions of students of Kharkiv University are connected with the monument.

Map pin icon Sumska Street, garden named after Taras Shevchenko Kharkiv


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Трьохсвятительська церква, Харків
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Three Saints Church

Temple , Architecture

The church in honor of the Three Saints - Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom was built in 1915 on the initiative of the head of the City Merchant Society, merchant of the first guild Hryhoriy Holdberh, who had brothers Vasyl and Ivan (probably the choice of the name of the church is connected with this).

The project of the church in the form of a Moscow pentacle with a tent bell tower was developed by the authoritative Kharkiv architect, professor of the Institute of Technology, Mykhaylo Lovtsov, taking as a basis the volume-planning and constructive decision of the church in the St. Petersburg yard of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. The foundation of the church took place in 1906, the construction took 9 years.

Highly artistic interiors are of particular value. The painting was done by St. Petersburg artist Oleksiy Sokol. The original iconostasis was made in Italy according to the drawings of Volodymyr Pokrovsky.

After 1917, the Three Saints Church was turned into a warehouse, but it was reopened in 1925.

Map pin icon Holdberhivska Street, 101 Kharkiv


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Музей транспорту "Автореліквія", Харків
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Transport Museum "Auto relic"

Museum / gallery

The first Kharkiv museum of motor transport "Auto relic" opened in 2010, but it has its history since 1987, when the first retro car GAZ-12 "ZIM" was purchased in the collection.

To date, more than 70 vehicles have been purchased and restored. The museum exposition presents: "Moskvich" 400 (1948), ZAZ 965 (1964), ZAZ 965A (1967), "Volga" GAZ-21 US (1964), GAZ-67B (1943) .).), GAZ-12 WINTER (1952), GAZ M-20 "Victory" (1955) and others.

There are more than 56 vehicles in the museum's storage facilities, which are awaiting the start of restoration work.

The museum is located in the garage cooperative "Chayka" on the northern outskirts of Kharkiv (Zhukovsky village).

Map pin icon Sadovy Boulevard, 1 Kharkiv


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Краєзнавчий музей, Верхній Бишкин
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Verkhnii Byshkyn Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Verkhnii Byshkyn Museum of Local Lore in the Kharkiv Region was founded in 1968.

The exposition of the museum tells about the nature of the region and the history of the village of Verkhnii Byshkyn from ancient times to the present.

The museum has an interesting ethnographic collection.

Thematic exhibitions are held regularly to commemorative dates.

Map pin icon Kosinova Street, 39 Verkhnii Byshkyn


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