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Attractions of Kyiv region

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Міська гімназія, Переяслав
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City gymnasium


The Pereyaslav City Gymnasium was built in the 19th century and originally belonged to the complex of buildings of the Ascension Monastery. The brick building, which housed the dormitory of the seminary until 1917, still impresses with its monumentality.

Until 1941, an orphanage was located here, during the war - the German commandant's office. During the war, the building lost most of its magnificent decoration. After the restoration, in 1958, the educational building of the pedagogic school was opened in it.

In 2000, the building was reorganized into primary school No. 6 and a gymnasium, then into the Pereyaslav Academic Lyceum named after Ivan Mazepa.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 20 Pereyaslav


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Комплекс Присутніх місць, Тараща
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Complex of Presence places


The complex of Present Places in Tarashcha was designed by the imperial architect, professor of the architectural class of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, Andreyan Zakharov.

It was built in 1803-1817 after Tarashcha became a county town.

Official county offices, a prison, a wing of the Zemstvo court, the treasury, and the city administration have been preserved. Under the complex is a network of underground tunnels, through which prisoners from the Zemstvo prison were taken to the construction of the cathedral (destroyed in the 1930s).

Now one of the buildings houses a labor exchange, the others are used as residential buildings

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 12 Tarashcha


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Музей Козаччини, Германівка
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Cossack Era Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Museum of Cossack Era in Hermanivka is located in the building of the manufacturing bench, erected in 1904, next to the Picture Gallery.

The museum illuminates the historical and socio-political processes of the development of the village of Hermanivka in the context of the general history of Ukraine through archaeological and ethnographic monuments of antiquity from the Bronze Age to the present.

The museum is divided into two halls. Exhibits from the Bronze Age to the end of the 19th century are exhibited in the first hall, and exhibits from the beginning of the 20th century are displayed in the second hall.

The Cossack Era Museum Museum and the Picture Gallery in Hermanivka are branches of the Kyiv Regional Archaeological Museum.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, 16 Hermanivka


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Мамаєва Слобода, Київ
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Cossack village "Mamayeva Sloboda"

Museum / gallery , Entertainment / leisure , Ethnographic complex

The cultural and entertainment complex "Mamayeva Sloboda" in Kyiv is a reconstruction of a Cossack village of the 18th century.

There are 98 different objects on the territory of 9.2 hectares, the wooden church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos occupies a prominent place among them. There is also a Cossack chieftain's tenement house, a regimental treasury in the Ukrainian Baroque style, a palanka (Cossack outpost), a blacksmith's and a potter's manor, a tavern, and many other ethnographic objects that reproduce the life of Cossacks.

The complex is named after the legendary Cossack Mamay, one of the most popular characters in Ukrainian folk tales. On major holidays, folk festivities take place here. It is possible to organize wedding ceremonies in the national style, as well as various corporate events.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Dontsya Street, 2 Kyiv


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Дівич-гора, Трипілля
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Divych-hora (Divych-Hill)

Historic area , Natural object , Archaeological site

Divych-hora (Devich-hora, Divocha hora, Divych-Hill) is a high hill above the Dnipro in the center of the village of Trypillia. The name is probably connected with the ancient Slavic cult of a female deity - the progenitor goddess, the goddess Virgo (Diva).

On the top of Divych-hora, a settlement and burial ground of the Zarubinetska culture (II century BC), as well as an ancient Slavic temple (VI century) were discovered. There is an assumption that there was a sanctuary of a pagan virgin goddess. The altar consisted of nine hemispherical recesses in which ritual food was cooked.

From the top of Divych-hora, a wonderful panorama of Trypillia, the Dnipro and the surrounding hills opens up.

Map pin icon Serhiya Korolova Street Trypillia


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Дельфінарій "Немо", Київ
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Dolphinarium "Nemo"

Entertainment / leisure

The first stationary year-round dolphinarium "Nemo" was located in Kyiv in the VDNG district. It was opened in 2009, closed in 2017.

Kyiv Dolphinarium "Nemo" was a complex engineering structure that fully meets international standards for working with marine mammals. Every day there were shows with bottlenose dolphins Skipper, Flipper, Boatsman, Casper, as well as seals Klepa, Bonnie and Norma. The stands of the dolphinarium accommodated 900 spectators, who were placed around a 20-meter pool with sea water. In addition to performances, swimming and diving with dolphins were offered. Dolphin therapy sessions were held, which is an effective method of drug-free recovery and rehabilitation of children with functional limitations.

Map pin icon Akademika Hlushkova Avenue, 9 Kyiv


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Доообра ферма, Івки
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Dooobra Farm (Cheese Museum)

Museum / gallery , Gastrotourism , Farm / cheese factory

Family goat farm with cheese dairy "Dooobra Farm" was founded in 2011 by the family of former advertising artist Taras Lozhenko. It is located in the village of Ivky on the outskirts of Bohuslav. Excursions and tastings are held here.

About 400 goats are kept on the farm, of which 230 are milking. Cheese is cooked three times a week. About 100 kilograms of cheeses are produced in one day. The farm is equipped with a modern technological line.

Today, "Doobra Farm" produces 12 different types of cheese. In particular, 4 types of goat's cheese: soft cream cheese, semi-hard "Yangol", aged "Bikoz" and "Shedevr" with white mold. From cow's milk, the cheeses "Rankovy", "Legend", "Seven Tastes", "Starets", "Kosychka", "Suluhuni" and others are produced. The farm also offers cheese, sweet and salty cottage cheese, butter, cream, kefir, meat products and honey.

The farm hosts the Cheese Museum, which exhibits items related to cheese production, collected by the farm's owners during their travels in Europe. In particular, samples of rare European cheeses, advertising leaflets of Ukrainian cheeses from 1961 in French, records of unique cheese recipes, an engraving of the oldest cheese market in Holland, a collection of cheese knives are presented.

The excursion program includes a tour of the goat farm and tea plantation, a detailed story about the cheese factory, a visit to the Cheese Museum and a cheese tasting.

The Cheese Museum in Kyiv also operates as a branch of the family cheese factory "Dooobra Farm".

Map pin icon Bohuslavska Street, 1 Ivky


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Димерська міська бібліотека, Димер
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Dymer City Library


Dymer city library for adults is housed in an old wooden building built at the beginning of the 20th century.

Officially, the library building is not considered an architectural monument, but it is one of the brightest sights of the city of Dymer.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 6 Dymer


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Димерська гімназія, Димер
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Dymer Gymnasium


The gymnasium in the center of Dymer was built in 1912-1913, becoming the most modern building in the city, as it already had water heating, which was a rarity in those days.

In the gymnasium, four-grade education was introduced according to the program of seven grades. Pupils were taught reading, writing, church singing, natural science and the basics of drawing. During the Second World War, the school was closed and served as a shelter for fighter pilots, and later the building was used by the Germans as a prison.

In 1945, education at the school was resumed, and in 1963 it was given the status of an eight-year, incomplete secondary school. Currently, it is the Educational Complex "Dymer Gymnasium - Secondary School of the 1st Degree".

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 21 Dymer


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Стадіон "Динамо", Київ
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Dynamo Stadium

Stadium / sports complex

The Dynamo Stadium named after Valeriy Lobanovsky is the home club stadium of Dynamo Kyiv football club, which until recently remained one of the main sports arenas of Ukraine.

It was built in 1932-1934 on the site of the greenhouses of the Mariyinsky Palace, where sports infrastructure began to develop after the Soviet-Ukrainian war. After the reconstruction for the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow, the capacity decreased from 23 to 18 thousand spectators.

Before the Second World War, the "Dynamo" stadium was the sports base of the NKVD football team of the same name. In 1942, a series of football matches took place in occupied Kyiv between the "Start" team formed from the "Dynamo" team and various teams of the German occupiers, which invariably ended with the victory of the Kyivans. The last match between "Start" and the national team of German anti-aircraft fighters Flakelf went down in history as the "Death Match". According to legend, four Dynamo players were shot for refusing to lose to the Germans. A monument to the fallen football players has been erected on the territory.

Since 2002, the "Dynamo" stadium bears the name of the legendary coach Valeriy Lobanovsky, who led FC "Dynamo" to the heights of European football glory.

Excursions are conducted through the stadium, during which you can see the locker rooms, the Fan Club premises, the conference hall, the exhibition of won trophies, the stadium field and its stands.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 3 Kyiv


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Садиба Долгоруких-Фадєєвих, Ржищів
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Estate of Dolhoruky-Fadyeyevs "Lypky"

Natural object , Park / garden , Recreation area

Only the remains of the park and wonderful views of the Dnipro remained from the "Lypky" manor of the Dolhoruky-Fadyeyevs family estate in Rzhyshchiv.

In the 18th century, the manor belonged to Lieutenant General Adolphe Franzovich de Bandre du Plessis. His daughter Henrietta de Brande y Plessis married Major General Prince Pavlo Dolhoruky, who retired at the beginning of the reign of Paul I. After the Franco-Russian war in 1812, the future Decembrists Bestuzhev-Ryumin, the Muravyov-Apostol brothers, Prince Trubetsky visited the Rzhyshchiv estate of the Dolhorukys.

Princess Olena Dolhorukova, who married Andriy Fadyeyev, was born here. For some time they lived in Rzhyshchiv. Their grandchildren are the statesman Serhii Witte and the writer-theosophist Olena Blavatska (Blavatsky's mother, the writer Olena Fadyeyeva-Han, was born in Rzhyshchiv).

On a high cliff above the Dnipro, a part of the manor park "Lypky" with an old linden avenue has been preserved. This place is great for picnics.

Map pin icon Lypova Street Rzhyshchiv


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Парк Вічної Слави, Київ
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Eternal Glory Park

Monument , Park / garden

Eternal Glory Park in Kyiv was opened in 1957 on the site of the ancient Commandant's Garden on the slopes of the Dnipro.

The central place of the complex is occupied by the Memorial of Eternal Glory to the soldiers of the Second World War, which is a 27-meter obelisk made of dark marble. At its foot is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, over which an eternal fire burns. The Alley of Fallen Heroes leads to the obelisk with 34 graves of soldiers who distinguished themselves with special valor during the war.

The monument was created according to the project of architects Avraam Miletskyi, Volodymyr Baklanov and Volodymyr Novikov.

In 2008, a memorial complex commemorating the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine was opened next to the park.

Map pin icon Slavy Square Kyiv


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Етнографічний комплекс "Українське село", Бузова
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Ethnographic complex "Ukrainian Village"

Museum / gallery , Entertainment / leisure , Ethnographic complex

The ethnographic complex "Ukrainian village" is located on the edge of the forest near the village of Buzova in the Kyiv region.

It is a "living museum", where authentic buildings are combined with interactive attractions. The open-air exposition presents traditional residential and commercial buildings from various historical and ethnographic zones of Ukraine.

Visitors are greeted by the active church of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica, from which the creation of the complex began. During the tour, you can view the authentic interiors of six ancient houses, transported from different regions of Ukraine: Hutsul region, South, Podillya, Polissya, Middle Dnipro region and Slobozhansky region. And also visit a pottery workshop, a forge and a distillery, a bakery, etc.

A mini-zoo with domestic animals: sheep, piglets, rabbits attracts special attention of children. All animals can be fed by buying feed from the gift shop. There you can buy various products made of natural materials.

For recreation, as well as holding holidays and corporate events, there are gazebos with barbecues on the pond, a dining room for 130 people, a conference hall, and a hotel. Ethno-trainings are held upon prior request.

Map pin icon Dmytrivska Street, 1 Buzova


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Єва Парк, Віта-Поштова
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Eva Park

Park / garden

The large landscape park "Eva Park" opened in 2023 in the village of Vita-Poshtova, 10 kilometers from Kyiv. This is the garden center of the landscape design company of the same name, which at the same time serves as a recreation area, a photo location and a place for themed events.

The total territory of the park is more than 25 hectares. There are miniature houses in the English style, elegant bridges, a cozy small cafe, art objects, stone waterfalls, as well as a living corner with peacocks, plants from different parts of the world, ponds, photo zones and various locations for entertainment. In Eva Park, you can not only take a walk, but also fish, order a photo session or rent an area for special events.

Eva Park also hosts various events - painting workshops, themed brunches, excursions, tea ceremonies.

Map pin icon Zvenyhorodska Street, 201A Vita-Poshtova


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Хрестовоздвиженська церква, Любимівка
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Exaltation of Holy Cross Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord was built in the village of Liubymivka in 1858 at the expense of the landowner Lukomsky according to the typical project of the architect Kostyantyn Ton.

Until today, the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross has been preserved practically in its original form. On the territory of the temple is the grave of the famous historian and local historian Lavrentiy Pokhylevych, the author of the book "Tales about inhabited areas of the Kyiv province".

The church preserves the icon of Saint Archangel Michael, painted at the beginning of the 20th century in memory of the saint's appearance to the residents of the nearby village of Rovy.

The Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is an architectural monument of local importance.

Map pin icon Kartashova Street, 6A Liubymivka


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